Simple Way To Get Rid Of Cockroaches

Who likes cockroaches? Nobody in his right mind would say he does.These pets do not only emit bacteria but they also emit very bad odor.They are so dirty indeed.Who then would like seeing them freely creeping on the floor, on kitchen counter, along cupboard and anywhere around the home or surroundings? Of course we don’t.

We know for sure that keeping the house clean is needful to keep away cockroaches at home.But, have you ever wondered why despite keeping your home clean and sanitized, cockroaches can’t be totally eliminated.Sometimes you will be surprised to discover some of them thriving inside one corner of your dresser.

Sometimes you will see one or two of them creeping in your kitchen cupboards.This is despite the fact that you keep those places clean.This means cockroaches also love dark and warm places.

Commercial anti-cockroach spray has been our ordinary solution to cockroaches but we know also that these insect sprays are so costly and more than this they contain l chemical that could harm our own health, can contaminate our food and kitchen utensils and harmful to the environment as a whole.There are some chemical free insect sprays in the market but most of them are too expensive while others are not even that effective.

But do you know that you can drive those cockroaches by merely using pandan leaves.We use pandan in cooking rice, in making buko pandan and other desserts but little did we know that we can take advantage of its aromatic smell in driving away cockroaches.

How to use pandan leaves then? Just put some leaves in enclosed places where cockroaches normally stay in cupboards and closets.The cockroaches hate the aroma that comes from pandan so they will surely evacuate and leave any place with such very aromatic smell.Now, your kitchen cupboards, dressers and closets will not only have natural aromatic smell but also cockroaches-free.As simple as that! Isn’t that great?

Article Written by Morning Girl

I believe that I live not just for myself but first for Jesus and then for others.

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