My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama Sabachthani?
That is to say, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me.”
This is the 4th of the last sayings made by Jesus Christ on the Cross and was written at  Matthew 27:46.

On that very hour, at the height of His agony on the cross, Jesus was forsaken by God the Father.It was real abandonment  and the pain and sorrow could be felt from that sad and lonely cry  and so he cried  out  the saddest and most heart-breaking words Jesus has ever utteredl.How sad it is to be forsaken by your very father?

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you parent or your loved ones and friends forsook you for sin you did not do?.That is a very shallow comparison with what happened to Jesus but somehow this will help you understand how is it to be forsaken when you are not guilty of any sin?At the moment of His death on the cross, Christ was experiencing the abandonment and despair that he did not deserve.

Getting a perfect understanding as to  how the separation took place is difficult.Nobody can ever explain the mystery of that separation? Theologians have discussed and debated this through the centuries but no one has yet to give the exact explantion.John McArthur must be right when he said: “ If we can’t understand the unity in the Trinity, how could it be possible for us to fully comprehend the separation in Trinity?

Understanding the mystery of separation on that fateful hour is beyond the full comprehension of human mind.

It is nonsense to keep searching for the answer to that mystery.It is a mystery for now but we will understand it better when we face our Creator.For now, it is better to just dwell on the ultimate benefit this separation has brought to those who believed Christ and have accepted Him as Lord and Savior

Charles Spurgeon has the best explaination why Jesus was forsaken.He said,, “Jesus Christ was forsaken of God because men deserved to be forsaken of God.Jesus was there, on the Cross, in our place! And as the sinner, by reason of his sin deserves not to enjoy the favor of God, so Jesus Christ, standing in the place of the sinner and enduring that which would vindicate the justice of Gd.let us recollect that He was thus left of God that you and I, who believe in Him, might never be left of God.

Now the big question is...will you accept Jesus now, so that God will not forsake you? Your response to this will mean death or life.

Article Written by Morning Girl

I believe that I live not just for myself but first for Jesus and then for others.

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