Very Effective Underarm Whitener

Many ladies are faced with the problem of dark underarms and for this they fear wearing clothes that would expose this dark secret.While dermatological procedures could be very effective in solving this problem, the problem is how to get the money to afford this.

Well if you are one of those looking for a cheaper way to solve your dark underarms then here is one simple and cheap way to do it.The result for which however is not as instant as the expensive dermatological procedure but it will surely surprise and satisfy you after some time.

First you should stop using deodorant because this is the number one reason why underarms go dark.Unless it is all natural you should totally avoid using it.Of course you can’t just stop without a substitute lest you stink and people avoid you all day through.The best all natural deodorant is Tawas Crystal.

But you should note that Tawas Crystal alone will not solve your dark underarms.Unlike what most people were thinking and saying, Tawas alone can’t be that effective as underarm whitener.It could do a little but mostly it does not fully serve this purpose.Nevertheless, in protecting your underarm from odor and sweating, it is worth using for it is does really protect.

Now for the whitening result you so desire, you will need to use baking powder.Yes, the baking powder you use for your cakes and breads indeed.Just use it on your underarms as how you apply talcum or baby powder on your face.Apply it every night before you go to bed.Now to those who want to speed up the whitening effect you have another option which will require a little more labor.First you should rub your underarms with lemon or calamanci 10 or 15 minutes before showering.Then apply 50/50 percent mixture of Tawas powder and baking powder every morning after shower.You will have to powderize your Tawas crystal, make sure you have reached its finest.Unless it is completely fine, don’t ever use it lest you create scratches that will worsen the dark state of your underarms.If you are confident your Tawas powder has been as fine as baking powder then you can mix it with equal amount of baking powder and this you can use as your regular daily deodorant.After shower, apply this mixture on your underarms and repeat at least three times a day.Do it religiously and soon your underarms will be as white as you desire.Try it ladies, you will not regret.

Article Written by Morning Girl

I believe that I live not just for myself but first for Jesus and then for others.

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